Wednesday, January 23, 2008

So What's Next?

Many of us end up with the family of our dreams, either through IVF, adoption or a blended family. And after all the hoopla of a tender pregnancy, a mountain of paperwork, a lifetime's worth of doctor's visits or a miracle of circumstances that results in one, two or three children, we may finally have the time to turn to our husband and say, "So what's next?"

After such an up and down roller coaster of a life seeking a family, we may not have paid much attention to how our family will function in our life and in our world. We are right there with you! Becoming parents, becoming a mother or father is now almost a larger challenge than what we have just been through. We can't forget how we got here, and yet we must integrate our family into the lives of our extended family, our neighbors, our church and our work families.

What challenges have you encountered? What hopes and dreams have you had a hard time seeing happen? What perfections of being a mother have surprised you?

Blog with us and we can share and grow together.

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